简介:丽水市兴博瑞传动有限公司,成立于2019年位于中国绿谷浙江省丽水市。公司专业生产销售滚珠丝杆、滚珠丝杆螺母、直线导轨、滑块、圆柱导轨、直线光轴、直线滑台、微型导轨、丝杠支撑座、杆端关节轴承、直线轴承等产品。 公司严格按照国际标准生产,产品质量上乘,广泛用于纺织机械、印刷机械、电动工具、医药机械、精密机床、电器切割、自动记录仪和办公设备等领域。Lishui City Xingborui Transmission Co., LTD., was founded in 2019 in China Green valley--Lishui City, Zhejiang Province. We are manufacture specializes in the production and sales of ball screw, ball screw nut, linear guide, linear sliding block, round linear guide, linear shaft, linear stage, miniature linear guide, ball screw support, rod end joint bearing, linear bearing and so on. Our products are in strictly accordance with international standards production, and with high quality, widely used in textile machinery, printing machinery, power tools, medical machinery, precision machine tools, electrical cutting, automatic recorder and office equipment and other fields.
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